A TEAM of runners from Northamptonshire-based IT company 3RS IT Solutions took part in a 5k run to raise money for Teamwork Trust.

Stanwick Lakes was the venue for the run, which saw Managing Director Steve Souch and Services Operations Manager, Ethan Malvern compete against each other alongside their respective teams.

Throughout 2024, the team at 3RS IT Solutions, which is based in Irthlingborough, is taking part in events to raise money for Teamwork Trust, a charity which is dedicated to supporting people who are living with learning disabilities, autism and mild mental health issues. Steve’s son Reuben is living with autism and is the inspiration behind each and every challenge.

Steve said: “It was tough – at certain points it did feel as though we should be swimming as there was a lot of flooding after so much rain.

“But we did really enjoy it and were delighted to complete it was great to secure another win for Team Souch! Our thanks to everyone who has donated and supported us so far.

“It is a real honour to be supporting Teamwork Trust who do so much to support people living with autism. We hope the money we are able to raise to make a real difference to the work they do.”

Steve and Ethan’s next challenge – competing round an obstacle course – was pulled from the hat by work experience student Cullen, who is a service user at Teamwork Trust.

For more information, or to donate, visit https://www.teamworktrust.co.uk/team3rs