IAM RoadSmart boosts local Safer Roads Partnerships Initiative in Warwickshire delivering a further 125 Mature Driver Reviews

IAM RoadSmart, the UK’s largest independent road safety charity, has partnered with Warwickshire County Council to provide a further 125 Mature Driver Reviews for residents to continue to support them to drive safely for as long as possible as part of the second phase of their Safer Road Partnership.

Warwickshire is the latest council to take part in an initiative to help local residents update and improve their driving skills, increase confidence and safety, by taking part in a Mature Drivers Review or initiative. In addition to this the council has also purchased 40 Skills Boost sessions to help support drivers that display concerns during the assessment enhancing the pledge to help mature drivers stay mobile for as long as possible.

IAM RoadSmart has worked with Lincolnshire’s Police & Crime Commissioner, Dorset County Council, Lincolnshire, York, and South Wales amongst others, offering Young Driver Assessments, Mature Driver Reviews, Skills Boost assessments and Advanced Driver & Rider Courses.

This latest partnership with Warwickshire has resulted in over 250 courses being offered.  The first initiative offered 125 drivers the chance to boost their skills and was positively received by the council and local residents. The second wave extends this offer to a further 125 residents.

Covid-19 has led to some primary drivers taking a back seat and less experienced drivers taking the wheel. Added to this is the fact that the pandemic and lockdowns have left more than 42% (4 in 10) drivers of all ages admitting that they are anxious about returning to ‘normal’ traffic levels.

A recent survey of older drivers by IAM RoadSmart and the Department for Transport revealed there are now over 12 million people aged 60 plus with a full driving licence. The majority (79%) felt they were excellent drivers and would not consider giving up for years. Only a doctor/GP or optician/optometrist, who are considered the most influential people to give advice on giving up driving would convince them to relinquish their licence.

Cllr Wallace Redford, Warwickshire County Council portfolio holder for Transport and Planning, said: “Following on from the first initiative, we decided to extend the offer further to benefit more of our residents”.

This course is designed for those mature drivers who have been driving for a significant number of years to improve their skills and confidence to enable them to continue driving safely for many years to come. With an aging population we want to be proactive and support individuals to maintain their motoring independence for as long as they can, and that means driving safely.

The Mature Driver Review is an hour-long bespoke session, tailored to an individuals’ needs, with an Approved Driving Instructor or qualified IAM RoadSmart Examiner as your assessor. It takes place in your own vehicle, along familiar routes, and roads you travel and may use daily. At the end of the session the assessor will offer feedback, hints and tips, and observations to improve your skills and boost confidence. It is not a test, but it may reassure you, your family or loved ones of your competence on the road.

The 40 Skills Boost sessions also purchased by Warwickshire enable any drivers experiencing trouble in a particular area or skill have the opportunity for further support drivers to assist them to improve and continue driving.

For more information about IAM RoadSmart, which helps to improve driving and riding skills through courses and coaching, visit www.iamroadsmart.com.