Adhering to proper health and safety practices should be a top priority for all UK businesses, regardless of the industry and nature of the organisation. It is particularly important to follow such practices in the construction sector as workplace sites can be extremely dangerous.

In this article, we’ll be discussing how to follow the rules and regulations set out by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Employers have a legal duty of care to ensure the utmost safety of their employees, so it’s crucial that this legislation is being followed correctly.

Understanding workplace hazards

Workplace hazards can present themselves daily and may contribute to various accidents, injuries, and illnesses if not prevented. Hazards may refer to onsite equipment, dangerous materials, unsafe working practices, or the behaviour of others.

Thousands of people suffer injuries on construction sites every year. Some of the most common injuries include slips, trips and falls, being hit by a falling object, cuts or lacerations, and muscle strain.

Employers must carry out a thorough risk assessment so any potential hazard is identified accordingly and the risk is mitigated.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

PPE is essential in safeguarding employees from workplace hazards. They must be wearing it at all times when onsite. There are different types of PPE required depending on specific tasks and environments. These include:

  • High-visibility clothing
  • Gloves
  • Safety helmets
  • Protective eyewear
  • Earplugs
  • Respirators

Additionally, work boots for men play a significant role in preventing foot injuries and ensuring proper onsite safety.

Training and education

Workplace accidents can occur because of user error. When new employees are hired, they should always undergo a site induction before starting their new role.

Inductions are a legal requirement on all construction sites. This is to ensure new employees understand how equipment and machinery work so they can carry out their jobs safely, knowing what to do in the event of an accident.

Staff training shouldn’t just be carried out at the start of someone’s career. It should be done regularly to maintain knowledge and keep everyone up-to-date with new rules and regulations laid out by the construction industry. Everyone must know how to do their jobs with ease and efficiency.

Safety culture and enforcement

Workplace safety should never be frowned upon. It’s important to implement this idea into your organisational culture so it remains relevant to all staff.

There are several strategies to help employers foster a culture of safety, whether that’s clear communication, employee incentives, and recognition for receiving safety achievements.

Safety policies should be properly enforced and any employees who are displaying non-compliance should be held accountable.